-Má ra?
Past the pub, then on the left.
May I come in?
Hello there!
I didn't recognize you.
You look great.
Because I found a way
back to women.
-Her name's Vlasticka.
She saved me.
I haven't forgotten
that you helped me.
Nice... I made some inquiries
and I've got a suggestion for
you, my dear master craftsman.
Hey, who's the best
head man in this country? Má ra.
Who has a family he can't feed
through lone creativity? Má ra.
Who has a teenage son? Má ra.
Who's got a wife and little one
dying for a tropical vacation?
You kill the fatted calf once
and you can work freely
for a year or two
without worrying about a salary.
Who's it got to be?
Gottwald? Djerzhinski?
Some bigger swine even?
Lenin? Say Lenin and I'll crack
this head over your gourd.