Hey, who's the best
head man in this country? Má ra.
Who has a family he can't feed
through lone creativity? Má ra.
Who has a teenage son? Má ra.
Who's got a wife and little one
dying for a tropical vacation?
You kill the fatted calf once
and you can work freely
for a year or two
without worrying about a salary.
Who's it got to be?
Gottwald? Djerzhinski?
Some bigger swine even?
Lenin? Say Lenin and I'll crack
this head over your gourd.
You think I'm some monster
who's trying to compromise you?
We'd start at the local school.
Indifferent spring motifs.
A mosaic...
Spring motifs?
Of course, spring motifs...
Budding... Nature...
Nothing political...
Sports... Burgeoning...
Burgeoning breasts...
An allegory of spring...
-I got it, daddy.
-Super! Bobes found it!
You forgot the opener;
I mean corkscrew.
He'll grab the bottle opener...