You're the onIy one getting it free.
Huusko. Yeah, I'm coming.
Some day one of your cIients
wiII decide to try Iow-oxygen sex -
and then you'II be in troubIe.
We'II either go on Iike this
or we'II stop.
Are you coming back?
I think so.
This is the onIy pIace
where I get it for free.
Five surveiIIance cameras
but not one is directed here...
Have you dyed your hair?
-No, I'm wearing a wig.
That was the onIy one
but it was too far away.
Raid is in FinIand.
He came through VaaIimaa today.
Why is he here now?
Does he know about the fire?
Not yet. He won't untiI I teII him.
Offiside! -They'II take
him to the prison today.
When he Ieaves, foIIow him.
Where's the Ieft-fieIder?
The WorId Bank sucks!
The WorId Bank sucks!