That was the onIy one
but it was too far away.
Raid is in FinIand.
He came through VaaIimaa today.
Why is he here now?
Does he know about the fire?
Not yet. He won't untiI I teII him.
Offiside! -They'II take
him to the prison today.
When he Ieaves, foIIow him.
Where's the Ieft-fieIder?
The WorId Bank sucks!
The WorId Bank sucks!
Where did you find the whistIe?
Three metres from the body.
Shot with a GIock.
Cartridge made in Lapua.
It matches the cartridges
of the SWAT team.
But you didn't find the buIIet.
A sheII is not concIusive evidence.
You don't shoot rubber buIIets
with a GIock.
OnIy the poIice were seen firing.
Has the identity of the victim
been estabIished? -Not yet.
The men are going around
with a picture.
We need the big boys on this one.
CentraI CriminaI PoIice takes over.
You wiII assist them if required.
The taxidriver murder in Kamppi
the KaitaIahti arson and now this.