You can't transfer anymore cases.
Saarinen soIved the KaitaIahti case.
You disregarded a cIear Iead.
The neo-Nazis.
Saarinen can't find toiIet paper
in a toiIet without heIp.
The skinheads were in JyväskyIä.
-Two hours before the fire.
They speeded to HeIsinki.
We have a confession.
Money taIks... -The case is
transferred and you can Ieave.
Have you forgotten that
The SWAT teams were moved -
under the command
of the CentraI CriminaI PoIice?
They can't investigate themseIves.
I'II caII the Ministry.
May I have the sheII back?
Why am I being brought here?
I'm an honest Finn
and the victim of a robbery.
My truck was impounded and my
freedom as a citizen is being abused.
Look at these hands,
couId they ever commit a crime?
And the 200 bottIes of spirit?
-Haven't the reguIations changed?
Why don't you say anything?