It stiII needs some work.
Where's the worId's best Estonian
mechanic? -His wife missed him.
He took the tyre baIancing machine
with him -
but I guess he pays
when things work out.
The Iocomotive is a briIIiant
invention. NaturaI fueI -
and no unnecessary eIectronics.
OnIy a nucIear bIast destroys it.
I traded it for a broken Lamborghini.
Chinese wet suits are useIess.
They don't keep you dry.
Do either of you need
a Russian piano?
GoebbeIs, stay.
WouId you be kind enough to teII me
who this other dude is -
and why the fuck are you here?
The caravan in your backyard...
This is the owner.
You're Raid. Why didn't you shoot?
You got a bad reputation.
But good eyesight. It's not Ioaded.
It's a pIeasure doing business
with a pro.