Chinese wet suits are useIess.
They don't keep you dry.
Do either of you need
a Russian piano?
GoebbeIs, stay.
WouId you be kind enough to teII me
who this other dude is -
and why the fuck are you here?
The caravan in your backyard...
This is the owner.
You're Raid. Why didn't you shoot?
You got a bad reputation.
But good eyesight. It's not Ioaded.
It's a pIeasure doing business
with a pro.
Don't... that's an oId injury!
Where is her father?
In AIppiIa!
At the SaIvation Army's sheIter.
Jansson, what's this paper?
I guess I used that to confiscate
some tapes from ChanneI One.
Why does it have my name on it?
I didn't want to bother you
with smaII detaiIs.
The director of the
Broadcasting company -
and the Minister of the Interior
caIIed. You shit.