Don't... that's an oId injury!
Where is her father?
In AIppiIa!
At the SaIvation Army's sheIter.
Jansson, what's this paper?
I guess I used that to confiscate
some tapes from ChanneI One.
Why does it have my name on it?
I didn't want to bother you
with smaII detaiIs.
The director of the
Broadcasting company -
and the Minister of the Interior
caIIed. You shit.
What were you thinking?
-SoIving a crime.
Some of us were hired to do that.
The poIice didn't shoot her,
a Iong-haired man did it.
Not by accident, intentionaIIy.
It was murder,
not an accidentaI shot.
Now we have to consider
if this is good news.
Phone records of Tarja Piirainen
Continue the investigation. Report
daiIy. Avoid moronic arbitrary acts.