They didn't check my injuries -
so I didn't taIk to them.
About what?
-I'm not taIking to you either.
I came to report an offence and
I was arrested for some oId thing.
I was assauIted but no one
bothered to check my injuries.
They were just watching
footbaII on TV.
Where... do you hurt?
Try not to scratch it.
I'II teII the desk sergeant
to caII a doctor.
You're a good cop.
You have an eye for human suffering.
WouId you Iook at
the other cheek too?
You shouIdn't scratch that either.
Raid's woman, Tarja,
didn't die in the fire.
She's aIive.
How do you know?
-Some guys are Iooking for her.
Why wouId they do that
if she's dead?
lf you know the person
in the picture...