You shouIdn't scratch that either.
Raid's woman, Tarja,
didn't die in the fire.
She's aIive.
How do you know?
-Some guys are Iooking for her.
Why wouId they do that
if she's dead?
lf you know the person
in the picture...
Are you Petterson?
Yeah. What do you want to know?
-There was an arson in KaitaIahti.
One of the victims, Tarja Piirainen,
caIIed you severaI times. Why?
She wanted information about
count Nardi Dei's speeding ticket.
I wrote that ticket, 50 000 Euros.
But it was revoked.
I remember. It was in the papers.
You guys screwed up. The radar
wasn't properIy caIibrated.
It was checked at the depot.
I chased that Ferrari.
He was driving 200 km/h.