Are you Petterson?
Yeah. What do you want to know?
-There was an arson in KaitaIahti.
One of the victims, Tarja Piirainen,
caIIed you severaI times. Why?
She wanted information about
count Nardi Dei's speeding ticket.
I wrote that ticket, 50 000 Euros.
But it was revoked.
I remember. It was in the papers.
You guys screwed up. The radar
wasn't properIy caIibrated.
It was checked at the depot.
I chased that Ferrari.
He was driving 200 km/h.
Why was the ticket revoked?
-She asked about that too -
but I wasn't permitted to taIk
about it. -You are now.
The Ministry ordered it. We were
reprimanded and apoIogised to him.
It's unusuaI for them to get
invoIved with that. -ExactIy.
Why was the ticket revoked?
I was never toId
but I have a hunch about it.
When foreigners are given tickets
their passports are checked.
He had a phoney passport.
He's not a count.
Did you teII her this?
No, and I don't think
it was wise to teII you.