You couId've written.
Sometimes it's better to come
in person. -Yeah...
The PonytaiI...
I wonder what he couId teII us
if he couId taIk.
There's two more upstairs.
Neither one has an ID.
One had a receipt in his pocket.
He bought a pair of pants from
a department store in StockhoIm.
Did you search the Iighthouse?
-They Ieft in a hurry.
We have no description of the boat
to give to the Coast Guard.
They'II stop aII the IikeIy ones.
-They may head for TaIIinn.
I doubt it. A storm is coming.
Who were they?
ProfessionaI criminaIs. They've
Ieft their prints aII over Europe.
According to InterpoI,
two are from MarseiIIe -