Did you search the Iighthouse?
-They Ieft in a hurry.
We have no description of the boat
to give to the Coast Guard.
They'II stop aII the IikeIy ones.
-They may head for TaIIinn.
I doubt it. A storm is coming.
Who were they?
ProfessionaI criminaIs. They've
Ieft their prints aII over Europe.
According to InterpoI,
two are from MarseiIIe -
and the third one has
a criminaI record here.
They aII have outstanding warrants.
They were in StockhoIm 3 weeks ago.
They beat up a reporter badIy.
What about the boat?
-Rented using faIse documents.
Seven bodies. Someone's
doing business with an iron fist.
Remember what Tarja said?
''Stop the deaI.'' What deaI?
The NationaI Energy Company deaI.
-Where did you come up with that?
Why does Nardi Dei
have a faIse identity?
Tarja was trying to find information
about that cIown.
His consuIting firm
gave a statement -
about the buyers
which cost miIIions.