and the third one has
a criminaI record here.
They aII have outstanding warrants.
They were in StockhoIm 3 weeks ago.
They beat up a reporter badIy.
What about the boat?
-Rented using faIse documents.
Seven bodies. Someone's
doing business with an iron fist.
Remember what Tarja said?
''Stop the deaI.'' What deaI?
The NationaI Energy Company deaI.
-Where did you come up with that?
Why does Nardi Dei
have a faIse identity?
Tarja was trying to find information
about that cIown.
His consuIting firm
gave a statement -
about the buyers
which cost miIIions.
They recommended the Swiss GIB
Corp. owned by Mark HoIIander.
AII the energy probIems
couId be soIved with wind power.
It depends on the size
of the propeIIer.
What do we know about HoIIander?