Sanna, the Security PoIice handIes
aII dubious-Iooking passports.
They know about Nardi Dei.
Why aren't they doing anything?
Maybe they have orders.
The count's reaI name is
Antonio Ancotti, from SiciIy.
His father is a sheep farmer
and his mother a hooker.
The son is wanted by the InterpoI.
A high-ranking officiaI requested
us to bury the whoIe matter.
Someone from
the Ministry of the Interior?
The Ministry of Trade and Industry.
Minister Hinkkanen himseIf.
Hinkkanen... Did he give
any reason for his request?
''The energy company deaI
is at a deIicate phase.''
He used his best argument.
The common good.
What is the fake count wanted for?
-It's nothing serious.
Fraud worth tens of miIIions.
Now you can go with your mind
at rest. -I doubt it.
-Are you busy?
All night. Come after five.
Don't forget the mozzarella.