Fraud worth tens of miIIions.
Now you can go with your mind
at rest. -I doubt it.
-Are you busy?
All night. Come after five.
Don't forget the mozzarella.
Tittonen, rubber clothes,
pays extra.
Periods, periods, periods, periods.
Jarmo, 12 p.m - 1 p.m.
Remember stay-up stockings.
A friend of Tittonen, all night.
Call Goofy.
Was it checked if Lundström had
a safety deposit box at the hoteI?
No, it wasn't. The hoteI caIIed
and asked about the victim's famiIy.
They want to hand over the contents.
Are you bozos interested to see them
or do I have to take care of it too?
Ministry of Trade and lndustry.