Ma, I'm gonna have
a ching-chung now, Ma.
It's not my fault. I'm sorry.
Anyway, where's your brother?
I don't care. I don't know where they
are, Ma. Can you get me some ice?
-Carlos, stop following me!
-Thanks for spending the day with me.
I didn't spend the day with you.
You vomited on my floor...
...and I took you out
for fresh air.
My door's open.
-Who is this guy?
-Grandma, this is Carlos.
I'm Victor's friend.
-Can you walk me out?
-You're already out, stupid.
-I'll call you.
-I'm not allowed.
I'll let it ring twice,
then you meet me downstairs.
Victor, what is going on in this house?
Who is this guy outside the door?
Tell him to stop introducing me
to his stupid friends.
Why you introduce men to your sister?
Don't do that anymore.
Where's your brother?
Where's Nino?
I'm gonna cook your favorite food.
But we don't want to eat
by the time he's come home.
Ma, he's right there.
-Where you was?
-In the bathroom.
Why you don't answer me
in the beginning, when I call you first?
Because I was in the bathroom.
Oh, God.
Please, please.
See, that's why you need to leave.
Because you touch people
and you think that it's okay.
-I touch people?
-You touch me without my permission.