- Got a horse, Rene?.
- I fancy 3.
You inspired today?.
- 4's a good bet.
- Got it.
- What's hot today, Rene?.
- I'd say 5!
- It's 50-1!
- Right.
So don't listen to an old pro.
- Got a tip, Rene?.
- 7!
- Hi, Rene.
- Hi.
Got a nag for me?.
1 1.
- 1 1?.
- Yeah.
Hi, folks.
1 5.
- Can I bet big?.
- Go easy.
- If it wins, dinner's on me.
- Book the table!
Do I stink?.
- What horse did you give him?.
- 1 6.
There's only 1 5 horses in that race!
I wanted to see if you knew.
Bet 1 in the second race...
Thanks, Rene.
In the first race at Vincennes,
an outsider won...
Who won today?.
The butcher.
At least one guy'll thank you!
Great scam! Where'd you find it?.
I don't win
on a 50-1 horse every day! Here!
- You shouldn't.
- It's my pleasure!
Got something for my cat?.
Kitty cat?.
Here, kitty cat.
What's wrong with you?.
Hi, Rene.
It's my cat. He's under the weather.