Who won today?.
The butcher.
At least one guy'll thank you!
Great scam! Where'd you find it?.
I don't win
on a 50-1 horse every day! Here!
- You shouldn't.
- It's my pleasure!
Got something for my cat?.
Kitty cat?.
Here, kitty cat.
What's wrong with you?.
Hi, Rene.
It's my cat. He's under the weather.
I'm a horse vet!
"Cure a horse, cure a cat."
For dumb proverbs, you're the champ.
- Holy mackerel!
- Don't worry, he'll just get a drop.
Don't be scared, fella.
You'll be fine.
There, all done.
He does this to me, on my birthday.
- It's your birthday?.
- He's my dinner partner.
Come here.
- I never gave you a present.
- Not that I recall.
Tonight at the track,
bet on "Lindy Hop" in the last race.
"Lindy Hop" is no horse,
it's a gluepot!
1 00-1. Hasn't a chance!
Who gave it you?.
Straight from the horse's mouth.
They talk to me!
Don't overbet: the odds'll drop.
Not a chance. I quit betting!