We're marooned?
With no food?
How soon before we all
turn cannibal?
I have to get
out of here!
So, "Swiss Family DeVille"
he's not.
Good morning, poodles!
We were up all night
Iooking for that leopard.
Debbie, they're here!
Ta da!
Homemade coconut muffins
and fresh herbal tea.
Debbie, this
is so sweet.
Oh, and these
look heavenly.
Afraid we must
eat and run.
Ooh, really
delicious, honey.
But you guys
just got here!
I know, but the Foundation
is expecting that
footage today,
and we still
haven't got it.
Nigel, I think
we should split up.
I thought we
were so happy.
You mean to look
for the leopard,
don't you?
I can't believe this!
You're always working.
When's the last time
we took a vacation?
But, Debbie, we travel
all over the world.
I want a family vacation.
You know, where we fight over
the bar of hotel soap.
And Debbie hogs
all the good towels?
And we order
room service.
And we do dorky family
Yes! Dorky sounds
really good right now.
Well, girls, I'm sorry.
I didn't realize
you felt this strongly.
I promise, as soon
as we find the leopard,
we'll do dorky
family activities.
It's settled then.
-You're leaving, too?
Fine, go.
I was just going to hang out
on the beach today anyway.
Debbie, are you forgetting
that I talk to animals?
Sadly, no. Your point?
I'm going to find out where
that leopard is so we can leave,
and maybe we'll
really take a vacation.
Come on, Darwin.