Rugrats Go Wild!

for the leopard,
don't you?

I can't believe this!
You're always working.
When's the last time
we took a vacation?

But, Debbie, we travel
all over the world.

I want a family vacation.
You know, where we fight over
the bar of hotel soap.

And Debbie hogs
all the good towels?

And we order
room service.

And we do dorky family

Yes! Dorky sounds
really good right now.

Well, girls, I'm sorry.
I didn't realize
you felt this strongly.

I promise, as soon
as we find the leopard,

we'll do dorky
family activities.

It's settled then.
-You're leaving, too?

Fine, go.
I was just going to hang out
on the beach today anyway.

Debbie, are you forgetting
that I talk to animals?

Sadly, no. Your point?
I'm going to find out where
that leopard is so we can leave,

and maybe we'll
really take a vacation.

Come on, Darwin.
Darwin's staying here.
See ya.
I did not slave
over a hot oven

to feed the birds!
When I write about my life--
and I will--
I will not be kind.
Okeydoke, kids.
You play here,
while the mommies and daddies

try to ward off
the specter of doom.

Babies, listen up.
We're stucked
on a topical island

that don't gots
no people on it.

But we're here, Angelica.
I mean people who matter.
And we gots no food.
And no cookies!
You don't know what
you're talking about,

Oh, yeah?
