First thing we need is a leader.
Any volunteers?
Stu, put down your hand.
I nominate Betty.
I accept.
All in favor of me,
raise your hand.
Hold on.
You're all going
to blindly follow Betty
just because
she drew a circle in the sand?
Thank you.
As my first duty
as your rightfully
elected leader,
I'm assigning Stu to baby watch.
The rest of
yous, follow me.
Geez, all I wanted to do
was have a little adventure.
Now everyone and their brother
is blaming me for this mess.
Angelica, are the growed-
ups mad at my daddy?
That's a blunderstatement.
He's in big trouble.
It's cause of him we're going
to have to live here forever.
Maybe we can help.
You babies are
gonna help?
You can't keep
your fingers
out of your nose.
We gots to try, Angelica.
Guys, up that hill.
I think it's the drainforest,
just like we sawed
on Nigel Strawberry's TV show!
Does that mean
Nigel Strawberry's here?
What makes you think
that big-nosed nature guy's
on this dinky island?
Because that's the lastest place
we sawed him.
He was getting eated
by a crocogator.
Nice knowing you, Chuckie.
I bet if we go in there,
we'll find Nigel Strawberry.
He can help us get home!
And no one would be mad
at your daddy no more!
And I wouldn't have to share
the waffle I gots in my diapie.
Uh, if I had a waffle
in my diapie.
See you, Angelica.
Hey, get back here.
You babies better
listen to me,
or else!
Or else...