We gots to try, Angelica.
Guys, up that hill.
I think it's the drainforest,
just like we sawed
on Nigel Strawberry's TV show!
Does that mean
Nigel Strawberry's here?
What makes you think
that big-nosed nature guy's
on this dinky island?
Because that's the lastest place
we sawed him.
He was getting eated
by a crocogator.
Nice knowing you, Chuckie.
I bet if we go in there,
we'll find Nigel Strawberry.
He can help us get home!
And no one would be mad
at your daddy no more!
And I wouldn't have to share
the waffle I gots in my diapie.
Uh, if I had a waffle
in my diapie.
See you, Angelica.
Hey, get back here.
You babies better
listen to me,
or else!
Or else...
I'm going to build a signal fire
that will have us
off this island in no time.
Uh, let's see.
Gum, my special
"writes-upside-down" pen
and disposable razor.
Great. I can chew, shave,
and write about it.
On my head.
I can't believe it, Cynthia.
Those babies always
do whatever I say!
What's all this junk?
It's not junk, Angelica.
These everyday items can be used
to make a lot of things.
That's it!
I'll build a radio
and send a distress signal!
Angelica, keep an eye on
the babies for me, okay?
I'm supposed to baby-sit
those half-pipes?
That's dog's work!
Spike! Wake up!
Watch the babies.
I got
important things to do,
Iike find someone
to be my royal subjects.
Now, go!