S Club Seeing Double

- That's ridiculous
- What?

For the album It's a great album,
but you've got to promote it

Natalie, protein bars?
What are we gonna do?
- Why don't we fire him
- Who's gonna manage us, then?

Well, we could manage ourselves,
I suppose

And do loads of solo projects
that no one's gonna buy

And then you can marry
a footballer, Rach

And have loads of babies
with silly names

No, come on, guys
We've gotta stand up to him

Can't we do this in the morning?
No time Flight for Los Angeles leaves
at 7 am You can sleep on the plane

Come on Reporters are outside
Big smiles, energy,
eyes and teeth

Guys, look, I know it's tough, but
I promise you, it won't always be like this

One day, your records won't sell
The label will drop you

and even I won't return your calls
Ladies and gentlemen of the press,
S Club

S Club, do you feel that your exposure
to the West Coast hip-hop scene

will be felt musically
on your next album?

- Yes
- No

- What she said
- What she said

How many of you girls
have had implants?

Me I had a cactus once,
but I watered it too much and it died

Do you see yourselves
as a manufactured band?

Do you see yourself
as a war correspondent?

What do you miss most
about being on the road?

- My dog
- Sunday roast

Tea with the queen Yeah
Sorry, sorry, sorry What did you say?
I missed the question Sorry

Well, that wasn't so bad, now, was it?
We're having fun, aren't we?
A lot of people would love
to be in your shoes

Not in Jo's Her feet stink
- You all right?
- You said we was gonna have a holiday

Give me that
Get some sleep Up in three hours
