S Club Seeing Double

- Why?
- Because I'm allergic to it

Don't worry about that
That's just the atchoo bird

Will you sit down?
Come back here Come back!

- Dogs! Run!
- Tina, this way

Follow the string!
Thank you
Two, three, four, six, eight
- Oh, look, there's some string
- Keep moving, guys

- There's two of them
- They've got massive teeth!

Four, five, six
- They're right behind us!
- Follow me

Quick, keep moving
Come on!
- Come on, you lot!
- Over the wall

Faster They're getting closer
- It's right behind you
- Help me up

- Come on
- Help me up!

Come on, Bradley,
he's only a puppy

Puppy? Puppy, my...
- Oh, nice buns, Brad
- I'm just glad they're still there

Where's Jo?
Hang on a minute
Has anyone seen my sweater?

- Maybe we should have rung the doorbell
- Then I could have finished my story

Now I'll never know
what happened in the end

I don't understand Alistair
Why is he doing this to us?

Well, we asked for time off
I guess we got it

Wait, he's replaced us with them,
so why don't we replace them with us

We'll kidnap three of them
and switch places
