- It's right behind you
- Help me up
- Come on
- Help me up!
Come on, Bradley,
he's only a puppy
Puppy? Puppy, my...
- Oh, nice buns, Brad
- I'm just glad they're still there
Where's Jo?
Hang on a minute
Has anyone seen my sweater?
- Maybe we should have rung the doorbell
- Then I could have finished my story
Now I'll never know
what happened in the end
I don't understand Alistair
Why is he doing this to us?
Well, we asked for time off
I guess we got it
Wait, he's replaced us with them,
so why don't we replace them with us
We'll kidnap three of them
and switch places
Good luck, Rach
Operation Squeegee is a go
- Hello
- Hello
I've come to clean your windows
- Wait just a minute
- Oh, no I've had orders
Security guards cannot have
dirty windows It restricts your vision
Could you shut the windows
so I can clean them?
- All right
- Thank you