Salinui chueok

Miss, are you going
that way too?

Hey, she's a detective.
No way!
She's in the
Violent Crimes Division.

- Really?
- Sure.

Wait a minute.
We'll give you a ride.

Wow, in a police car!
Hey, you two. What are
you doing out so late?

We always stay together,
so it's okay.

You'll be fine
even if you go alone.

Nam-ju, tell them about
what you heard at school.

You know, during cleaning
time, about the murderer.

Right! You know why they
can't catch the murderer?

This is the truth. We go to
Ansong Girls Middle School.

Behind our school,
there's an outhouse.

They say a crazy man lives
under there, the murderer!

He stays there all day,
and when night comes,
he sneaks out and kills women.

So when he comes out at night,
you must be able to smell
the shit from miles away.

That's not the story.
Yoo-jin said a crazy woman
fell in there and died.

Then I'll meet you in front of
the factory with an umbrella.

It's okay.
I'll see you soon.
& Stand by me,
don't leave me. &

& I still love you.
Walking by myself... &
