Save it. Your approval doesn't
mean shit to me. It never did.
Wait. You've seen my work?
Son of a bitch. The grant.
It was fake, wasn't it?
You've been funneling money to me
to keep tabs on my findings!
Jules, we can beat this thing!
But we can only do it together.
-Now, this is not about us!
-Of course it isn't!
It has never been about us.
We have late report that the Presldent
has called anemergency meetlng...
with the Jolnt ChlefsofStaff
as wellasmembersofhlsCablnet.
The NatlonaISecurityDlrector
hadno commentsonreports...
that the UnitedStates was worklng
with leaders fromaroundthe world.
Leadlngsclentlsts are meetlng
ln Washlngtonat thlshour...
on the rlslngtemperatures...
The Pentagondenledreports that
it lsmobIllzlnglnfantryunits...
forposslble deployment
to SouthernCallfornla...
Inanunprecedented move
to secure the reglon.
the Emergency Management Center...
wasplacedonhlghalert thls
afternoonafterstate andlocal...
throughout CallfornlaandNevada...
...as the situatlonescalates.
-The mayor'sofflce...
wouldonlysaldthat theyare
worklngwith the White House...
-The closlngofCityHall...
allstate andfederalagencles,
andschools forthe flrst tlme...
...reports that Presldent Nelson
wIlladdress the countrytomorrow
ln the most lmportant speech...
In the hlstoryofthe country,
lfnot the world.