that the UnitedStates was worklng
with leaders fromaroundthe world.
Leadlngsclentlsts are meetlng
ln Washlngtonat thlshour...
on the rlslngtemperatures...
The Pentagondenledreports that
it lsmobIllzlnglnfantryunits...
forposslble deployment
to SouthernCallfornla...
Inanunprecedented move
to secure the reglon.
the Emergency Management Center...
wasplacedonhlghalert thls
afternoonafterstate andlocal...
throughout CallfornlaandNevada...
...as the situatlonescalates.
-The mayor'sofflce...
wouldonlysaldthat theyare
worklngwith the White House...
-The closlngofCityHall...
allstate andfederalagencles,
andschools forthe flrst tlme...
...reports that Presldent Nelson
wIlladdress the countrytomorrow
ln the most lmportant speech...
In the hlstoryofthe country,
lfnot the world.
Okay. Final looks everyone.
We're going live in two minutes.
I want this room cleared
in thirty seconds.
Sir, we need to talk.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the President of the United States.
Good afternoon. I come to you today
with a matter of global importance.
It 's insane. You can't evacuate a
city of 8 million people on a hunch.
-What if they're wrong?
-We're betting they're not.
-I know what this is about.
-You can't begin to know, sir.
It doesn't change the facts. I need
someone with your reputation.
Reputations don't mean shit
unless they're good.
Get someone else, Tom.
I'm asking you as a friend.
-Given the time, I would.
-I can't just leave them there.
I'm sending in
an extraction team.