-General, we have a problem.
We've lost contact with the unit.
-Beckett 's daughter is missing.
Last report placed the evac unit
in a tunnel outside Pasadena.
Report just came in of a tunnel
fire in that area. No survivors.
Sir. It 's Beckett.
Greetlngs fromHollywood.
We're onroute to the site.
-ETA slxty-flve mlnutes.
-Well done, Colonel.
-How's the team holding up?
-So farso snazzy.
We're aheadofschedule.
We're wonderlnglfwe couldcatch
some surf. It wasn't crowded.
Perhaps another time, Colonel.
Slr,about mydaughter.
-Has there beenanyword?
-You'll be happy to know that l...
...just got off the phone with her.
-Howdldshe sound?
Tough. Like her father.
-She'sagoodkld,slr. Imlssher.
-I'm sure she feels the same.
We'llchecklnassoon as
we place the devlce.