
-Beckett 's daughter is missing.

Last report placed the evac unit
in a tunnel outside Pasadena.

Report just came in of a tunnel
fire in that area. No survivors.

Sir. It 's Beckett.
Greetlngs fromHollywood.
We're onroute to the site.

-ETA slxty-flve mlnutes.
-Well done, Colonel.

-How's the team holding up?
-So farso snazzy.

We're aheadofschedule.
We're wonderlnglfwe couldcatch
some surf. It wasn't crowded.

Perhaps another time, Colonel.
Slr,about mydaughter.
-Has there beenanyword?
-You'll be happy to know that l...

...just got off the phone with her.
-Howdldshe sound?

Tough. Like her father.
-She'sagoodkld,slr. Imlssher.
-I'm sure she feels the same.

We'llchecklnassoon as
we place the devlce.

Goodenough. Moore out.
How old is she?
Fifteen going on thirty.
You'd like her.
She thinks I'm an asshole too.

-Smart girl.
-Yeah, she sure is.

Her mother died
when she was five.

Night of the funeral,
I was crying and...

she came in and she said...
"Don't worry, Daddy.
It 'll be okay.

I won't ever leave you."
Daddy's little girl.
-And then some.
-You're lucky only having one.

Me? I don't sleep at night.
-You're too busy knocking knees.
-Number eight 's on the way.

The best. Being there when they
see the world for the first time.
