- What about Kali Nasa ice cream?
- He got fired.
I don't know, some stupid
Assistant Manager.
I think his name was Cleatis. Like that
was actually his name, Cleatis.
So, anyway, I'm getting an
ice cream for this old lady...
...and just as I'm handing it to her,
Cleatis grabs me by the arm,
makes me throw
the damned thing away...
...and starts yelling at me about how
much ice cream I'm wasting.
How many times do I have to tell you?
You scoop off the top of the ice!
Listen to me!
You're wasting this company
a lot of money.
It's not only my policy,
but it's company policy!
Okay, that'll be $2,95, please.
- No way!
- Yeah, totally absurd.
- So, what happened to the guy?
- Nothing, he was all right.
But he had this huge chocolaty
red weit on his face. It was awesome.
Can you believe that guy?
If that were me...
''You wanna jack with The Ripper?''
And I have Plus-One throwing daggers,
so you know they hit their mark.
Where did you get Plus-One
throwing daggers?
From your Mom.
Dude-Man, why don't you try to get
a job where Stu works?
- At the bank?
- Yeah, man.
Dude, you'd be a natural there.
What do you think about that, Stu?
Are they still hiring over there?
They hold interviews once a month.
It's actually this Sunday.
You know what you should do?
Go to the Corporate Office
this Sunday at 8:30...
and Ill just tell them
you're coming beforehand.
You're sure to get an interview
at least.