Secondhand Lions

Hey, who do you
think you are, huh?

Just a dumb kid, Hub.
- Don't kill him.
- Right.

I'm Hub McCann.
I fought in two World Wars
and countless smaller ones
on three continents.

I led thousands of men
into battle with everything

from horses and swords
to artillery and tanks.

I've seen the headwaters
of the Nile,

and tribes of natives no white man
had ever seen before.

I've won and lost
a dozen fortunes,

killed many men
and loved
only one woman

with a passion
a flea like you

could never begin
to understand.

That's who I am.
Now, go home, boy!
We'll show these
old bastards who's tough!

- Get out your knife.
- Yeah.

Now, boys,
you're fixing to let
those teenage hormones

get you into a world
of trouble.

Damn it, Garth.
Did I ask you to butt in?

Hub, you just
come out of the hospital.

Well, there's...
there's only four of 'em.

Yeah, but...
look, you fight this one first.

And then I'll let you fight
the other three after, okay?

Watch this, kid!

Now you!
You better pick that knife up,

'cause, son, you're gonna need
all the help you can get.

- Come on, Frankie!
- Get him.

Get him, Frankie, cut him!
Shoot, oldest trick
in the book.

Okay, okay.
You hold it wrong, son.
Not like this.

You always
do it like this... smooth.

- Try it again.
- Come on, Frankie.

Come on, Frankie,
get him!

- Cut him
- Come on. Okay.

- Get him, Frankie, cut him.
- Yeah, you got him!

Frankie, come on!
- Stop, stop, ahh!
- You're breaking his arm!

You three had better
get in there and help him.
