Damn it, Garth.
Did I ask you to butt in?
Hub, you just
come out of the hospital.
Well, there's...
there's only four of 'em.
Yeah, but...
look, you fight this one first.
And then I'll let you fight
the other three after, okay?
Watch this, kid!
Now you!
You better pick that knife up,
'cause, son, you're gonna need
all the help you can get.
- Come on, Frankie!
- Get him.
Get him, Frankie, cut him!
Shoot, oldest trick
in the book.
Okay, okay.
You hold it wrong, son.
Not like this.
You always
do it like this... smooth.
- Try it again.
- Come on, Frankie.
Come on, Frankie,
get him!
- Cut him
- Come on. Okay.
- Get him, Frankie, cut him.
- Yeah, you got him!
Frankie, come on!
- Stop, stop, ahh!
- You're breaking his arm!
You three had better
get in there and help him.
Why aren't you
helping him?
Hub always hogs the bad guys.
He's selfish that way.
But there's
four of them!
Three of them.
Go on, Hub!
Hey, there's my boy!
Like this, kid?
Pretty good, huh?
- Couldn't you share?
- Nah.
After 40 years,
I'm used to it.
Besides, right now, I figure
he needs them worse than I do.
Go on, Hub!
This'll hold him though.
This'll hold him.
Please! Please!