But as you can see,
I've never been hungry.
Hello. And as far as a
supportive family goes...
Mum? Dad?
Anybody home?
Hello, Carl.
Life still giving
you trouble, is it?
"Deep Throat. " Director's cut.
Absolute classic.
They've been at it like that...
like cats and dogs... for weeks.
You all right, Dad?
Yes, yes, yes.
You got our Wimbledon tickets
sorted yet?
'Cause, you know, I don't
wanna miss your grand finale.
Interesting bit of trivia actually. I've never won
a match at Wimbledon with my family in attendance.
We're not invited?
- She's not gonna like that.
- What won't I like?
Hello, darling.
You're looking rather gaunt.
Thank you. Why is Dad so
upset? Oh. Ridiculous man.
For some reason, he believes
I'm having an affair with Eliot Larkin.
Mother. He saw you snogging
in the club car park.
Well, that would do it.
Not in the kitchen.
I wanted your father to see us.
That was the point.
Shake him out of his stupor,
compel him to act.
I hear you're planning to retire
to babysit a bunch of old ladies.
Not what your father and I had in mind
all those years ago cheering you on.
And do you know why? Because I believe
you to be a truly great tennis player.
Oh, God. You've just always been
afraid to admit it to yourself.
I'm not afraid. I'm
old. Oh, don't be absurd.
Thirty-one is not old.
It is in tennis years.
I might as well be your age.
Thank you, dear.
And I'm tired of hotels,
and I'm tired of airports...
and long-distance love affairs
that never go anywhere and...
- Losing?
- Yeah, losing. Thanks, Carl.