Come stai?
You are the Dragomir slayer.
How are you?
You look a million... lira.
Oh, thank you, thank you.
I try.
Do you know my partner, Sophia?
No. Hi.
Nice to meet you.
I'm looking for Lizzie
Bradbury. Have you seen her?
No. Maybe you should ask
Jake Hammond. Oh, really? Why?
Why do you think?
Oh, right.
Well, I'd better
get a move on. Ciao.
Good luck tomorrow.
Thank you.
Looking for someone?
- Yeah. Ye-Yes. - Wouldn't
happen to be my daughter?
Yes, it would.
It's Colt, right?
Yes, but please call me Peter.
Lizzie's on a roll right now, and I
don't want her to have any distractions.
Right. Of course.
S- Sorry. Just to clarify.
Do you see me as a distraction?
That's exactly how I see you.
So stop looking for her. Stop
calling her. Stop coming around.
Stop every damn thing
that involves my daughter.
Is that clear?
I suppose, in a few thousand years,
the English will evolve webbed feet.
Yes. Just about the same time the
first German evolves a sense of humor.
No, no, no. That's unfair.
Many times, I make you laugh.
No. I'm laughing at
you, not with you. Ha ha.
Somebody wants you.
Oh, you know what? I think
I'll... I think you will too.
See? Now that was quite funny.
Yeah, I know.
Hey, get some rest tonight.
I don't wanna win too easily,
what with you and that,
what is it, bad knee?