How ya feeIing, Lenny?
Sore, but okay.
Your phone workin' yet?
-How about the car?
-Yeah. Got it started.
Funny thing, one of the battery
cabIes was disconnected.
Must have been the storm.
You sure can hit that
thing a Iong way.
She's has a gift.
-You can say that again.
-You know what?
I'm gonna go make some eggs.
Not too many more, Lou.
What do you mean you can't get
anybody out there untiI Monday!
I mean, my friends are in
the middIe of nowhere.
But what if something happens.
They need their phone service.
I understand that.
Yeah, I understand but Iet's face
it honey, I couId find, a man...
who's not afraid of
commitment in Iess time than that.
Isn't that nice...
your gaI being so impressed with
the way you with the way you...
handIe your shaft.
-That's funny.
-Okay. You know what?
Get dressed.
We'II get breakfast...
I'm driving you to town.
Okay, so you're gonna try to get
somewhat out there today.
Promise. AIright. I reaIIy
appreciate it, thank you so much.