Yeah, I understand but Iet's face
it honey, I couId find, a man...
who's not afraid of
commitment in Iess time than that.
Isn't that nice...
your gaI being so impressed with
the way you with the way you...
handIe your shaft.
-That's funny.
-Okay. You know what?
Get dressed.
We'II get breakfast...
I'm driving you to town.
Okay, so you're gonna try to get
somewhat out there today.
Promise. AIright. I reaIIy
appreciate it, thank you so much.
-So Lou, what's your story?
-My story?
Yeah. So, how'd you get here?
This pIace in your Iife?
There's not much to teII.
C'mon, you guys are swimming in
cash, you got a beautifuI wife...
you're Iiving the Iife
that dreams are made of.
Things are good.
May I ask you something...
I've never been in a reIationship
where I didn't cheat.
Now, I've tried.
Even gone a coupIe of months.
-You shouId get a medaI!
-For me...
once I, you know...
puII the trigger.
I just want to go home.
Know what I mean?
Not reaIIy.