If you aren't communists,
then what are you?
Risk your lives for
our nation and people,
to kill Kim Il-sung.
That is your mission.
We can't hold up
any longer, chief.
Each region's
soldiers and policemen
have installed barricades,
but each one has fallen.
Now they have
just entered Seoul.
Gunfights are occurring, and
the President is very uneasy.
Just give the order.
The army is prepared
and standing by.
Now even you are in a panic.
If the situation blows up,
it will be a huge problem.
You need to let the fire burn
to get the hidden mice.
Now that it's
reached this stage,
the air force won't be able
to deny responsibility.
All those people who
praised Chief Kim's policy...
They'll have to
run and hide, no?
Now you can start.
Go ahead.
One, two, one...
What do we do?
Step on it.
Stop the bus.