- Screw that.
- Who was that?
- No clue.
- So, are you dating Susie?
Damn it, the laundry.
Nope, never dated Slim Susie.
Not that I noticed.
- Cut it out! Yes or no?
- Naw. She'd sleep here sometimes.
She'd bring a pillow. I never touched
her, not someone's little sister.
I swear.
Haven't seen her for a while.
- She's disappeared.
- Well, that explains it.
What was she like
last time you saw her?
- Drunk and unhappy.
- Why?
- Too much to drink, I guess.
- Cut it out! I'm worried!
Why was she unhappy?
It happened at the
opening of the sports hall.
The Chimp from
Electric Banana Band was there.
After the opening he split,
and left her alone.
Screwed up with love
and memories.
For a while she thought was
pregnant by him, but she wasn't.
It was probably just the pizza.
Sandra! lf anything happens to me,
look in the drain pipes.
Why didn't she tell me?
Yeah, why didn't she? What a crappy
sister. Siblings stay in touch.
I've got something to comfort us.
Vino Shito, right from hell.
It's orange flavored.