Smala Sussie

After the opening he split,
and left her alone.

Screwed up with love
and memories.

For a while she thought was
pregnant by him, but she wasn't.

It was probably just the pizza.
Sandra! lf anything happens to me,
look in the drain pipes.

Why didn't she tell me?
Yeah, why didn't she? What a crappy
sister. Siblings stay in touch.

I've got something to comfort us.
Vino Shito, right from hell.
It's orange flavored.

- I have a sieve... Ah, screwit.
- Who uses this?

You can add other stuff for flavor,
pizza crust, pepperoni...

- None for me.
- You drain the bacteria culture...

- Why'd you tell that? Makes me sick.
- It's important.

You need all the details
to know l'm innocent.

If you're lying,
I will be sorely vexed.

When I get sorely vexed,
I get really mean.

- You're lying!
- No.

- It's true.
- Good.

Go on.
Settle down! I've got
something awesome to show you.
