It's not Jean-Marc
who's about to give birth!
Thanks, I'm OK.
Try... to make your bowels move...
Dr. Meens couldn't come,
I'm his replacement.
- And you are?
I'm also a doctor, founately.
Where are we?
At the bowel movement.
- Ah, already at the bowel movement.
Try to move your bowels, young lady.
- Have a shit!
That's the so of feeling
you should have.
Push, as hard as you can,
and push...
The head's hanging out.
Yes, Veronique, that's it.
- Make your bowels move!
- Yes. Definitely.
You have delivered babies before,
haven't you, Doctor?
Yes, lots. Lots of babies.
And breath. And let it come...
It's a girl.
- Is Inge inside?
She'd be cold if she were outside,
wouldn't she?
Evening after evening,
they dance around naked...
D'you know what I find so strange?
That those girls don't catch pneumonia.
Lads, training's cancelled.
They'll be here next time.
- How often have I heard that before?
I've got a feeling of dèjà vu.
- Come on, let's go inside.
Next question.
- What else do they want to know?
Why do you want children?
To deduct them from tax!
- Franky!
Because we love children, of course.
What so of question is that?