Well, we can always play cards, eh?
They'll come.
And false hope is the trainerof Eendracht Vooruit...
How many times have I said:No balls in the greenhouses.
Go on. Good night.- Good night.
What?- What? Banana plants, Jos...
Who buys something like that?!
You have to look to the future, Rita.
Those plants are going to bevery important for our business.
The alterations are staing next week.
That is very impoant for our business.
And could you look to the future and see
where you've made room for the skip?
Welcome to Puur Toeval.Our guest today is Eddy Wally.
And Eddy has a question for us...
I ought to go training.
And I've go to do the washing upand the ironing. Prefer one of those?
I don't think anyone else is coming.Children and football...
...don't go together.- Who says so?!
An ex-footballerwho now has children.
Bullshit. It's a matter of wanting to.And of planning.
That's just it, Kriekske.Children can't be planned.
And personally,and I'm only speaking personally,
I fully understandthat Jean-Marc would rather be
with his heavily pregnant wifethan here with us on this potato field.