No! We want a child
because we are ready. FULL STOP.
Next to "financial situation",
and I quote,
"That's no one's business."
It is, of course, important
that you will be able
to look after
any child you may adopt.
We've both got steady jobs,
don't worry.
Any child we may adopt
will want for nothing.
I don't think you have to be stinking rich
to have the right to have a child.
And money
doesn't always make you happy...
Exactly! Look at Michael Jackson!
Yes, well, that was just an example.
So you can speak three languages?
Four. Dutch, French, English...
and the language of love.
Three. Hobbies?
Football, I play in a team.
And not just
to improve my social skills.
I like to score, too.
On the field I'm very...
...fast, alert
and I'm very goal-orientated...
...and not given to modesty.
Do I have to answer honestly?
Yes. And you?
We are still talking about you,
Mr Van Nieuwenhuyze.
- Yes. One.
A little boy. David.
Takes after his father.
A model child.
Vic? Vic, pick up the phone, please.
You used to think it was romantic
when I picked you up from work.
You don't pick me up after my work.
You're usually there
before I start work.
And then you scowl at the customers
all evening and refuse to talk to me.
I strip. And men pay to watch me strip.
That's my job!