- And the triplets?
They're doing really, really, really
well, well, well.
You think they're small but it's the packaging
that takes up all the space.
We're going to have to buy
a bigger car.
Three times as big.
- Great, eh?
Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to "Decibelg",
a radio programme in which
we go in search of the brainwork
that goes with
a particular type of job.
This week,
the job is that of philosopher.
We observe Vic Schoutten...
Philosophy fellow
at Leuven university.
The philosopher is sitting relaxed
at the kitchen table
staring into space.
- If only that were true...
Is there something the matter with...
At the university
I've been subtly informed
that it's not in the interests
of my career
to have a wife
in the light enteainment sector.
So I told Inge
she had to stop stripping.
- What "and"?
She got angry.
She says
I don't take her job seriously.
Vic, Inge loves you,
you love Inge.
But you also love
playing football and teaching.
Well, Inge loves dancing...
In front of other men!
Yes, naked, in front of other men!
Has she asked you
to stop playing football?
It's none of my business but I think
you're being very short-sighted,
asking her to stop dancing.
Hardly surprising that she left.
- I threw her out.
Darling, you're just a bit overwrought.
- The baby has taken my life away.
The few hours a day I had for myself
are gone.