Team Spirit 2

...but very concentrated,
waiting to present

to the Speaking lmage team...
his new TV ad.
Hi, Nellie.
- Mr Van Nieuwenhuyze.

We're listening.
The ad starts in...
a football stadium. Full.

All classes of society
are represented. In the stands:

the ordinary man: atmosphere, ambience.
In the business seats
the people are more boring...

'I've-been-invited-by-the-firm' kind.

Men in suits, tie, women in suits.
Cranky. Bored.

but with an exciting life.

You don't see that in the ad,
because you only see the stadium.

And on the field, one ball, one man.
Zinedine Zidane.

He places the ball on
the penalty point, looks at the goal.

It's empty. He runs up.
Slow motion. Concentration.
The run-up. The man. And then,
just before Zidane touches the ball
with his foot, suddenly

the net jumps forward out of the goal!
Over Zinedine and the ball!
And then our slogan appears:
'TeleNet -
a net that's just that bit faster.'

If Zidane is too expensive,
Wesley Sonck could do it.

Or I could. Anyone could do it,
because really it's about
