That's my name.
She seems like
a really cool lady.
Yeah, Lisette's great.
My mom met her
her junior year abroad.
I guess
they just kept in touch.
She owns
this really cool store.
This is great, huh?
I come here every week
just to buy food.
Mind you, I spent six months
picking things up, prodding them
and sniffing and smelling them.
It's just what everybody does
in this country, you know?
They know what they're doing.
Except for those.
You can get arrested for that.
So why did you
come here?
I got thrown out.
Thrown out?
What did you do,
kill somebody?
You really want to know?
Me and some friends of mine
hacked into the school computer
system and changed our grades.
I don't know.
I think it had something to do
with the fact that, uh,
well, we never went to class
and our grades totally sucked.
Yeah, so my parents thought,
"Oh, send her to France.
She'll have an experience
that she'll treasure
for a lifetime."
Or something like that.
What do you do?
I'm in the transport
Jack? Jack?
I wish you were there.
I think about you
all the time.
And also I wanted to tell you
about this woman that I met.
I wish you were there.
I love you.