Did you just say
"minutes away"?
[Host, Audience]
That's impossible!
You're not just wrong,
you're stupid.
Now, wait just a minute...
And you're ugly,
just like your mum.
[Audience Gasping]
Did you just call
my mother ugly?
Shut up! I mean it!
I will end you!
- [Grunts]
- [Audience, Cat Gasping, Groaning]
Um, Cat.
Your tail.
What about it?
Oh, I see! I've chopped it off.
That's interesting, because...
Son of a bi...
"The Girl From Ipanema"]
Look, I'm not saying
we're going to sue.
I'm just saying
we have a case.
We'll talk later.
Lxnay, ixnay.
Cat, is the oven
supposed to be
making that sound?
Of course. That means
they're almost done, Conrack.
- Conrad.
- That's what I said, Condor.
- Cat!
- Now, that's my name!
[Oven Whirring, Rumbling]
[Timer Bell Dings]
They're done!
Oh, man!
There's nothing
to worry about.
I'm sure
they still taste fiine.
They're horrible!
Who wants some?
Come on, come on!
Oh... my... cod.
Ohh! Aah!
Cat, you need to
clean this mess up pronto.
We have a contract.
All right, I'll try.
You don't try. You do.
Yes, ma'am.
Right away, ma'am.
I'll be right back.
How are ya?
Look. I'm a girl.
[Giggling, Purring]
Stop! That's...
Mom's dress!
This fiilthy thing?