[Cat, Audience]
Oh, this amazing device
can instantly make cupcakes...
out of anything that
you have in the kitchen.
- Wait a minute.
Did you say"anything"?
- Anything.
Yes, anything.
- Anything?
- I'll get you, and it'll look
like a bloody accident.
- [Audience Tittering]
- Anything.
Now, take off the lid.
You can put in, I don't know,
a carton of eggs.
How about
a pack ofhot dogs?
That's incredible!
Why not some ketchup?
Yeah, why not?
How about...
I know what you're thinkin'.
Even a fiire extinguisher.
There we go.
Now, close the lid
and Bob's your flippin' uncle!
What an
astounding product!
[Audience Applauding]
Oh, yeah!
Open the drawer,
[Bell Dings,
Motor Whirring]
Fiill the patented
Kupkake-inator tray,
[Audience Gasping]
- Close the drawer,
- [Audience Continues Gasping]
Then place it
in a conventional oven.
[Audience Laughing,
Delicious cupcakes
are just minutes away.
Did you just say
"minutes away"?
[Host, Audience]
That's impossible!
You're not just wrong,
you're stupid.
Now, wait just a minute...
And you're ugly,
just like your mum.
[Audience Gasping]
Did you just call
my mother ugly?
Shut up! I mean it!
I will end you!
- [Grunts]
- [Audience, Cat Gasping, Groaning]
Um, Cat.
Your tail.
What about it?
Oh, I see! I've chopped it off.
That's interesting, because...
Son of a bi...
"The Girl From Ipanema"]
Look, I'm not saying
we're going to sue.
I'm just saying
we have a case.
We'll talk later.
Lxnay, ixnay.
Cat, is the oven
supposed to be
making that sound?
Of course. That means
they're almost done, Conrack.
- Conrad.
- That's what I said, Condor.
- Cat!
- Now, that's my name!
[Oven Whirring, Rumbling]