- [Knocking]
- Yeah!
What do you want now?
You're repossessing my TV?
I'm sure I made a payment.
If it's about that bounced check,
let me give you a credit card.
That one's expired.
Huh? Oh, come on!
[Woman On TVGrunting]
With the lock on his collar,
Nevins kept running,
unaware ofhis part...
in the evil Quinn's cunning.
Joan Walden Real Estate.
Be it ever so humble, there's no...
Oh, hi, Joan.
The kids let the dog
out again.
You're kidding.
Don't worry. I'll go get him,
then we'll have a conversation
vis-a-vis military school.
I don't know.
Conrad's like you, Lawrence.
He's very... sensitive.
But I suppose it's something
I should consider.
I'll get the dog.
I'll be right over.
[Dial Tone Hums]
- [Barking]
- [Conrad]
Okay, there's Nevins.
Stay out of sight.
[Barks, Growls]
@¤@¤[Violin Strings Plucking]
@@ [Plucking Continues]
I thought the moment
needed something.
Oh, what will become of us?
Your motherwill lose her job,
and we'll have to...
live on the street!
I can't! Don't make me go...
I don't know this world.!
It's dry! It's like...
I can't... It's too...
It's too much!
Would you like to go back
in the toilet?
On second thought,
it's such a beautiful day.
Why spend it indoors?
- Thank you!
- [Gasps]
Okay, kids.
Get out of my way.
This fence is no match
for my cat-like grace and reflexes.
Here we go.
[Neck Muscles,
Knuckles Cracking]